
Suggested distribution of donations from your meeting:
(After expenses and maintaining a prudent reserve)

50% to District 13
25% to Northern California World Service Area
25% World Service Organization

Note: please include your group’s number on your donations
Your WSO Group Number is listed on the
Meeting by Town under your meeting’s name

District 13 Al-Anon Information Service (AIS)

Please write your check or money order to “District 13 AIS” and mail to:

District 13 AIS
c/o Sequoia Christian Church
233 Topaz Street
Redwood City, CA 94062

Northern California World Service Area

Please write your check or money order out to “NCWSA” and mail to:

NCWSA Treasurer
PO Box 10475
Pleasanton, CA 94588-0475
Please include your district (13), group name, and group number
Questions? Contact Sandi at

World Service Organization

Please write your check or money order out to “AFG, Inc” and mail to:

Al-Anon Family Groups, Inc.
1600 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617

District 13 Alateen Donations

Please make your check out to District 13 AIS,
note on the check that it’s for Alateens, and mail to:

Al-Anon Family Groups, Inc.
District 13 AIS, P.O. Box 390153
Mountain View, CA 94039

Institutions Donations (aka the Pink Cans)

Please write your check or money order out to “NCWSA” and mail to:

NCWSA Institutions Committee
1 W Campbell Ave, Ste. Q82
Campbell, CA 95008-1040